North Karanpura CBM Block

North Karanpura CBM Block

North Karanpura CBM Block


Location : :

North Karanpura, Jharkhand

Project Phase : :


Contract Award : :


Basin : :

Damodar Koel Valley group of Basins

Area : :

271.8 sq km2

Prabha Energy Limited (“PEPL”), was awarded 25% farm in stake along with joint operatorship of the block in the North Karanpura CBM block through a competitive bidding process in 2016 to expedite development of the block. Consortium partners running the block include Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) with 55% stake, Prabha Energy Private Limited with 25% stake and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) with 20% stake.

North Karanpura CBM Block NK-CBM-2001/1 lies in the eastern part of North Karanpura coalfield which is a member basin of the east-west aligned Damodar Koel valley group of basins. The CBM block has an ovate out line in conformity with the sub-basinal structure of the eastern part of North Karanpura coalfield.

The horseshoe shaped block encompasses an area of 271.8 sq. km stretching across the Hazaribagh and Chatra districts of Jharkhand State.

PEPL, on behalf of consortium partners, is carrying out CBM development operations from the year of 2018-19.

Safety is a key focus area in PEPL’s operational philosophy. There is strong emphasis on adherence to stringent laid out procedures across the organization. North Karanpura CBM Block, continued its year- on-year improvement trend and achieved ZERO LTIR from Jan-18 to Jan-22.

The North Karanpura CBM Block has demonstrated continuous improvement in safety performance, achieving ZERO Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR) from January 2018 to till Now.

The block has an ovate outline and covers an area of 271.8 sq. km spanning across Hazaribagh and Chatra districts of Jharkhand State.